Maggie B's vegetables: Never stop!

When the row seems endless, maybe it is. And maybe that's wonderful.
Maybe the whole point is to just keep going back out there.
Below: That's not Maggie B. out in the potato rows, pulling mustard weeds. It's Pam Palechek, who was mentored by gardeners like Maggie B and mentors others in her turn now.
Simple story, powerful message
Here's an eloquent story with a powerful message:
Never stop. Keep on growing!
In its telling, advice comes not in quotes but actions. Notice
the carrot storage method as well as how example and outcome speak
louder than any words when it comes to a fertilizer
There is a lady who kind of inspired me in the realm of
vegetable gardening - Margaret B. of Chehalis, WA. At the age of 79
she was still growing vegetables to sell from her one-acre garden,
had two milk-cows, one sheep, a few chickens. When she was 13 she
and her brother began to grow vegetables as their father was gone
and their mother was too ill to work and there was the mortgage on
the farm. They paid off the mortgage and Maggie continued to garden
and live on the farm until she moved to town in her early 80s.
Maggie grew approximately 4,000 lbs. of pole (green) beans every
year to sell at Fuller's Market, along with carrots, beets, squash,
strawberries, plums, chard, and I don't remember everything else.
One year we purchased 200 lbs. of the sweetest carrots to store in
straw in our pump house for the winter.
She finally sold the farm and moved into town and her entire
backyard (in town) became another garden. She continued selling
green beans and other vegetables and when she was in her early and
mid-eighties picked 3,000 lbs of beans. She's now in a nursing home
and I cannot see her as I live in Michigan, but she was a
sweetheart. I know she had a load of manure put on her garden each
year and I don't think she used anything but a hand-cultivator (the
kind with a wheel) - no pesticides, etc.
Thanks again for a great newsletter. - C.C. -
Pam Palechek is not only an expert
gardener but an expert instructor. Learn more
about our
friend Pam.