Our number one wish in life: Keep on growing.
We love learning, and through practice we've become very good at
(Right: When a tree fails we want to know "why" so we dig in
after the answer. When we find it -- here, girdling roots and a
stone both impeded root growth -- we take the time to share it with
others. The effort comes back to us a thousand fold.)
We're self taught in gardening, which means having hundreds of
teachers -- authors, workshop leaders, Extension agents,
professors, and gardeners all over the world. Each has their own
style and, if you listen, tips for how to learn.
One of those tips, common to many of our favorite teachers, was
that we should put everything to the test. That made sense to us,
who learned early on that there is no one right way to garden --
just different motivations and consequences. We must look at the
differences to know "what if" you choose to or must do things a
different way.
... you take the mystique out of
gardening and put it in everyday terms that anyone can
- Jerome Gross -
There is no right way, just many ways for different reasons and
As an example, Janet always cut our Wisteria vine in
March and July, as her Dad had done. Then she took a class at a
botanical garden where the instructor said you should never cut a
Wisteria in the spring. Asked "why", the instructor said
because you lose the flower. Yet our Wisteria bloomed.
We went digging for the "why" behind the no prune rule, and the
"what if" we pruned differently. The answer is long (check our
article on Wisteria
pruning) but boils down to the simple fact that both ways can
be right. Janet's Dad learned the European way from older neighbors
-- a method based on a need to keep things small. He passed that on
to Janet, rather than the American way of alowing everything all
the room it wants. (In the New World we have so much space we
forget others don't.)

To choose between rights, look at the "why"
In 20 years of answering questions from readers, audiences,
students and website users, we've seen so many right ways and
exceptional situations that we automatically look for the "why"
behind a rule. As a result, our library and our files are full of
well-used botany books and vintage gardening references that help
us explore varying approaches.
Just tracking the questions is revelatory.
Right from the beginning, we've logged questions we received. It
started with newspaper readers' letters -- we answered them all,
even those that didn't make the newspaper. We added in radio show
questions and those that came to us after giving a talk. We've
tracked topics, times and places through 12,000 questions, and
counting. The patterns we've found are a treasure in themselves,
and we've even found that one person's question can answer
Thousands of questions = thousands of reports on "what happens
We started with just the questions from a few dozen students a
year, and now we're connected across space and through time to many
thousands. We feel rich for having so much information, even as
it makes us absolutely certain we won't ever master this field, not
in a hundred lifetimes. So we share what we hear. Which means we
receive even more. Thank goodness for the Internet to make it
Your newsletter... is REALLY
helpful. So nice to have a new super knowledgeable gardening friend
- Mary Ann Speir -

Some of
our favorite sources:
- Internet searches (those who never searched before cannot
fathom how wondrous it is to have so many resources on tap via the
right key words and a discriminating eye for credible reports)
- A
New Tree Biology, Alex Shigo
- The American
Horticultural Society Encyclopedia of Gardening, edited by
Christopher Brickell
- Our articles file, full of clippings we've indexed and filed
for 30 years; specially helpful, The Garden magazines of
the Royal
Horticultural Society, American Nurseryman Magazine,
the Brooklyn Botanic Garden newsletters and those from HortIdeas -- now an on-line subscription
- Botany for Gardeners, Brian Capon
- The Complete Book of Gardening, Michael Wright
- Diseases and Pests of Ornamental Plants, Pascal
- Diseases of Treees and Shrubs, Warren T. Johnson,
Howard H. Lyon & Wayne A. Sinclair
- Extension Service bulletins (many if not most
on-line now - hooray! -- identifiable by the .edu in the URL)
- Fundamentals of Soil Science, H.D. Foth & L.M.
- Insects that Feed on Trees and Shrubs, Warren T.
Johnson & Howard H. Lyon
- International Society of Arboriculture
- The Landscape Below Ground (2 volumes), edited by Gary
Watson & Dan Neely
- Manual of Woody Landscape Plants, Michael Dirr
- The New Royal Horticultural Society Dictionary of
Gardening (4 volumes), edited by Anthony Huxley
- The Ortho Problem Solver
- Wyman's Gardening Encyclopedia, Donald Wyman