1) Powerscourt 2) Dillon's of Dublin 3) Butterstream 4) Japanese Garden at the National Stud 5) Connemara 6 & 7) Cliffs of Mohar & The Burren 8) Ring of Kerry Roadsides 9) Ilnacullin 10) Larchwood B&B
It wasn't just the cultivated gardens that captivated us, but the roadside and field flowers as well.
Below, left: It's truly moist and 20 kinds of spring green. Seeps along the road supported ferns, fuchsias, primulas and more. Below, right: Staking monkshood with twiggy sticks from shrub pruning time.
Below, left: Peat is still widely used as fuel to heat homes. We saw how to cut peat and decided we'd stick to gardening.
Below, right: Kylemore Abbey in Connemara, northwest of Galway on Ireland's west coast.