Margaret Thele

enlarge this imageWhen Margaret showed us the pincushion flower (Scabiosa) she had for market, a butterfly came to be sure we noted it is variety 'Butterfly Blue'
Margaret Thele is a super gardener
and our Super Moderator, able to advise and comment in almost
all aspects of horticulture. She has worked in many facets of the
horticulture industry, as Extension service agent to retail and
wholesale nurseries. She also hosted the WXYT radio program
Green Side Up for three years. Margaret grows and sells
perennials, herbs and vegetables through her business, Sage Advice
Nursery. As part of that business, she also designed and
consulted in gardens and landscapes for 20 years. 
Now semi-retired (but you'd never believe it to see how much she
shares on the Forum or to look at her blog of all she has going on in her
Sage Advice greenhouses!), she maintains her ties to the gardening
community as a Moderator on GardenAtoZ and at the Oakland County
Michigan Farmers' Market where she sells perennials, groundcovers
and herbs. Check her website for her current plant catalog, talk
to her on our Forum or read her blog whenever you need a shot
of green energy.

Right: Gardeners all know that nothing tastes better than
what you've grown yourself and cut moments before, but Margaret
lives it all year. Here, harvesting greens at one of her beds in
the Oakland County Parks Waterford Oaks greenhouses where YOU can
rent winter space, too.
Below: We caught up with Margaret at dawn one Thursday as
she set up at market. This Farmers' Market in Pontiac, Michigan,
like many all over the country, is a great place to pick up plants,
produce and advice.